Categories: News and Resources

Katie Ferro


CRNRSTONE wishes you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy & Healthy New Year!

With the end of the year fast approaching, the team at CRNRSTONE reflected on what has been a challenging year for everyone and wish to thank all of our wonderful clients for their continued support!

Across the year, we have managed 800+ projects, booked tens of thousands of engaged panel members into research projects, and provided accurate and timely insights for rapid decision making.

During this year of dramatic change and uncertainty, we have witnessed a major shift to online research methodologies. We have supported our clients in their changing needs and guided our panel members into this new world of research. We believe that the future holds a hybrid of both face to face and online research, combining the best of both methodologies.

Our offices will be closing on the 18th of December this year.  We will be back in full swing on the 4th of January 2022 to continue to support our clients. We will have a small team available between the 18th of December and 4th January should our clients require any urgent assistance over this period.

Our team at CRNRSTONE would like to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Safe New Year. We are all looking forward to working with you again in 2022!

If we can assist you before then in ensuring that your essential research needs can be met, please do not hesitate to reach out to Katie Ferro, Managing Director on 02 8556 8850 or